Harmonized Living

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Late Summer: Embracing the Earth Element

Nourishing Late Summer: Embracing the Earth Element with TCM Nutrition

As we shift from the vibrant heat of summer to the gentle warmth of late summer, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) reminds us to harmonize our bodies with the changing energies of the season. Late summer, associated with the Earth element, encourages us to focus on grounding, balance, and nourishment. By embracing TCM principles in our eating habits, we can foster optimal health and well-being during this transitional period. Let's explore some TCM nutrition tips to align ourselves with late summer and the Earth element.

Emphasize Earthy Foods

The Earth element governs the digestive system, making this season the perfect time to prioritize foods that support digestion and nourishment. Opt for earthy-colored fruits and vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, and squashes. These nutrient-rich foods provide a sense of stability and help harmonize the Earth element within us.

Find Balance with Sweetness

In TCM, each element corresponds to a taste, and the Earth element is associated with mild sweetness. Embrace this flavor by incorporating naturally sweet foods like baked apples, rice, millet, and adzuki beans. Avoid excessive sweetness of processed flours and sugar, as these can lead to imbalances. Instead, choose gentle sweetness to support the Spleen and Stomach, the organs associated with the Earth element.

Cook with Warming Spices

During late summer, the weather can still be unpredictable, and the digestive system might be sensitive to cool foods. Warm up your meals with grounding spices like ginger, cinnamon, and cardamom. These spices not only add delightful flavors but also aid digestion and circulation, helping to maintain balance within the Earth element.

Chew Mindfully

As the Earth element governs digestion, it's crucial to practice mindful eating. Chew your food thoroughly, as this simple act eases the burden on your digestive system and allows for better nutrient absorption. Eating in a relaxed environment and savoring your meals can also enhance your digestion and overall well-being.

Incorporate Probiotic Foods

A harmonious Earth element requires a healthy gut. Include probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi to support your digestive health. A balanced gut microbiome enhances nutrient absorption and strengthens your immune system, which is especially beneficial during seasonal transitions.


In late summer, the heat of the preceding season can still linger. Stay hydrated with warm or room temperature water, herbal teas, and soups. Avoid excessive consumption of icy drinks as they may weaken the digestive fire, making it harder for your body to process food efficiently.

Find Balance in Your Eating

The Earth element thrives on balance and moderation. While it's essential to embrace the seasonal foods and flavors, remember to maintain a balanced diet that includes a variety of food groups. Incorporate whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats to ensure your body receives a wide range of nutrients.

As late summer arrives, aligning ourselves with the Earth element through TCM nutrition can lead to a deeper sense of harmony and well-being. Emphasize earthy foods, balance with mild sweetness, and incorporate warming spices to support digestion. Practice mindful eating, stay hydrated, and nurture your gut with probiotic-rich foods. By embracing the wisdom of TCM, we can thrive in the late summer season and cultivate a foundation of health that extends beyond this time of transition.