Food Writing



I am passionate about sharing food knowledge. From traditional food ways gleaned from my Italian grandmother to my Balinese host family, I have so much to share. I have traveled the world, healed from 10 years of chronic intestinal parasites, and found vitality. I grow all my own food and medicinal herbs on my homestead in Vermont. I am in service to the plants and herbs that heal me, my family and my clients every day.

Would you like an article for your site or publication? Please contact me: lisa{at}

To read some of my writing, click these links:

Thrive Global: Your Body Knows: Start Listening

Medium: Towards Food Sovereignty Creating a Tea Ritual

Wellness Journal:
Health Benefits of Winter Squash

The Daily Meal:
Recipes To Tame Your Allergies
The Truth About Hemp Oil

Elephant Journal: Energizing Green Smoothie

Edible Orlando:
Fermenting Culture
Seasonal Kitchen: Three Sisters Recipes

Edible Green Mountains:
Hunters' Fall
What's In Season: Refreshing Spring Sauces
One Potato, Two: Family Gnocchi Recipe
To Your Health: Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Edible Santa Fe:
The Power of Plants

Dig in Vermont:
Local, Affordable, Seasonal Foods

Wish Gardens:
Herbal Recipes for Summer
Build Immunity and Thrive This Winter