manifestation list

It is extremely powerful to write down what you want and why. It can change your life! When you have a structure that holds your vision for yourself, you can free up energy to focus on your goals.

Read my current list of what I would like to manifest and why. I hope it inspires you to make your own list.


I would like to understand the root of my anxiety. It is something I explore during meditation and walks. I project myself into the future, planning things into far too intricate a level of detail. I get so caught up in this planning process that I sometimes have a hard time falling asleep and often find myself drifting away from the present moment.

For my own mental health and for the joy of being present with my 5 month old baby girl, I would like to reduce anxiety by accepting it as part of my overall emotional construct and finding tools to quell it when it arises.

I would like to keep my heart open, even when I am tired, angry, or frustrated. During challenging emotional times, I can shut down, turn away, grow silent, and stew internally with toxic frustration that leads to depression. I would like to face into these challenging situations with curiosity and an open heart, releasing the fear that might arise when I first try to do this.


I would like to give my family the opportunities they need to thrive. Our children are beautiful human beings and we love having the, at home while they are young. My parents always traveled with me and taught me that the world is my teacher. I would like to be able to relate to my children through the lens of the world and its varied experiences. I value justice and equity. I know that traveling and being learning from those who are different from us teaches tolerance, respect, and justice. I want to instill these values in my children and continue to learn them for myself.


I would like to grow my wellness practice so that I can help others find their sources of nourishment. The more people I touch, the more I believe that the ripple effects can influence the food system towards positive systemic change through individual behavior change. I would like to grow my course offerings so that more people can access the knowledge and share in a learning community.

I would like to gain more training on white privilege and anti-racism work so that I can better incorporate this theme into my work. I believe that until we address racism on all levels, we cannot impact the food system.



I am grateful for my social life. I am part of a thriving, loving and conscious community. I am learning creative ways to be with community members during the pandemic and this is a wonderful growth opportunity for me. We walk, have fires, do gardening projects together, and meet at beautiful places of nature to explore. I do not take my community for granted and have learned to value its members during these viral times.



I would like to climb a mountain. After a bout of plantar fasciitis in 2012, my feet and knees have not been the same. They ache often and I need to do daily stretches to keep them from flaring up. I will get back to a place where I can do these activities and not worry about my feet hurting or going back into chronic pain afterwards.



I would like to continue feeding my mind by studying functional nutrition and somatics. I enjoy taking courses in continuing education and find that this learning can always bring more benefit to my clients and students.

I would like to find better ways to quiet my mind when it doesn’t need to be active – especially when I am trying to rest. I need to carve out a specific time of day to practice simple breath work.



I would like to continue my daily spiritual practice of meditation. Some days, I skip it because I feel pressed by other priorities, but I know that it’s not in my highest good to do so. Daily meditation brings so much calm, peace of mind and acceptance into my life

I would like to find a spiritual community with which I resonate. I believe that, when people share spiritual practice together, the well-being that’s generated affects everyone more profoundly and reverberates out into the world in a healing way.


Thank you for taking the time to read my manifestation list.

What would you like to manifest? Use these categories to write about it.


meet your goal


wellness podcast